Daily Hygiene

Wash Your Hands

Regularly washing your hands is an easy and effective ways to prevent the spread of germs & bacteria. Think of how many times a door handle, card machines and money are touched in a day. These items are often overlooked from a hygiene perspective and probably only get wiped when they are physically dirty.  


Follow these five steps for effective hygiene.


  • Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.


  • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.


  • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. (Sing the alphabet)


  • Rinse your hands well under clean, warm running water.


  • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.